School Policies
Mobile phone policy is contained with in the Behaviour for Learning policy, but the specific section is :
From September 2024, pupils in SJBC will not be permitted to use a mobile phone in school, during the school day, unless they have a medical reason and a doctor's note. Pupils are encouraged to keep their mobile phones at home. Pupils who bring a phone to school must adhere to the following regulations:
- All mobile phones should be placed in the individual ziplock bag and then into the specified form teacher box at the beginning of registration each morning.
- The boxes will be left in the designated area in the main office or in a locked store in the Form Class until PM registration.
- Phones will be returned to pupils during PM registration.
- Pupils who arrive to school late must sign in in the office and hand over their mobile phone which will then be placed in the appropriate box.
- Pupils are not permitted to use their mobile phones during the school day.
- If a pupil refuses to comply with the regulations on the use of mobile phones, parents/ guardians may be contacted to come and collect the pupil.
- If a pupil needs to contact home in an emergency, he / she may obtain permission from a member of staff to use the telephone in the school office.
Any attempt to make or pass on any image of a pupil, or staff member, will be considered a serious infringement of school rules and can also be deemed a child protection or legal matter.
School rules will be strictly adhered to. It is important that everyone appreciates that these rules exist to protect all our pupils and staff.
We wish to protect the dignity and right to privacy of every pupil and member of staff.
- If a pupil uses his / her mobile phone to record STAFF or OTHER pupils (while those pupils are in THE SJBC uniform), or IF THEY SHARE inappropriate images / videos of SJBC pupils OR STAFF, they will be suspended from school for a length of time at the principals / Board of Governors’ discretion.
The Principal and staff would like parents to particularly support the rule on confiscation - this will ensure a safer environment for all.