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St John the Baptist�s College, Portadown

Translink Bus Strike

12th May 2022

The Education Authority (EA) has been notified by Translink that their bus drivers who are members of the GMB and Unite trade unions have voted to take strike action in relation to 2021 pay.
This will result in all Translink bus services being withdrawn from Tuesday 17th May to Monday 23rd May 2022. Translink continue to engage with Trade Unions to try and avert this action.
Pupils who use any Translink bus service for any element of their journey are likely to be impacted and parents should make other transport arrangements for these dates.
This includes pupils who connect with Translink buses using an EA yellow bus. As EA cannot guarantee pupils could complete their journey to and from school, even if the EA yellow bus is running, parents should make alternative arrangements for the whole of their child’s journey.
Parents should follow Translink’s social media channels and website over the coming weeks and start to plan now for their alternative transport arrangements.
Translink has advised that train services will not be affected by the industrial action.