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St John the Baptist�s College, Portadown

Thanks to our SJBC Family and Wider School Community

17th May 2019

We would like to thank our SJBC family and our wider school community for their on-going support since our launch in September 2017. Over the past 2 years we have witnessed the rapid growth and success of the new college. We are committed to ensuring that this momentum is maintained, so that together we can continue to grow a post primary school that the people of Portadown and its surrounding areas can be very proud of.

We have developed very strong community links which have proved to be highly beneficial in enabling us to offer enhanced and bespoke provision as well as offering a host of exciting new learning opportunities for our young people. We are delighted to share with you the outstanding findings from our recent Inspection which strongly endorses provision across all areas of the college, which you can access via this link;