Access Keys:

St John the Baptist's College, Portadown

TBUC 2019

9th Oct 2019

TBUC is up and running again this year. We have 44 lucky pupils from Clounagh JHS & St John the Baptist’s College that will engage in lots of activities, in and out of school, sharing experiences and stories of their own culture and learning to respect everyone for who they are and where they have come from. We will celebrate pupils identity and learn from each other in a fun and active environment. 

Some of the activities that pupils can expect are ....

  • Teambuilding & community relations activities in SJBC.
  • Unihoc & volleyball training in CJHS.
  • Airtastic, Craigavon.
  • Residential, Ballycastle.
  • Windsor Park, Belfast, stadium tour
  • Croke Park, Dublin , stadium & museum tour
  • Game of 3 halves celebration day.