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St John the Baptist�s College, Portadown

SJBC Supporting St Malachy's Hurling Club

21st May 2019

SJBC are presently working with St. Malachy’s Hurling Club to raise the profile of Hurling in the school and the community. The club have very generously offered to provide the school with helmets and hurls, as well as, providing coaching when possible. To be able to provide this fabulous support they have asked the school to help with their fund raising Gala Bingo on Sunday 16th June @ 4pm in the Pastoral Centre (poster below).

The school very much appreciate this support and would be grateful if parents/the community could help in this fund raising event.  This can be done by:

  • Supporting this event
  • Purchasing a ticket for a single book – cost £15 ( or double book £20).

These can be purchased by:

- contacting the school on 02838334625

- contacting the number on the poster

- pay at the door on the day