Access Keys:

St John the Baptist�s College, Portadown


21st May 2018

Hi all,

As you may be aware, Portadown 2000 has been working on a significant project to develop land at the rear of Millennium Court Arts Centre, the land adjoins both Thomas Street and William Street and incorporates the old Methodist Church and manse building on Thomas Street. Our proposal is to create a “shared space” which has a variety of different facilities that can help bring people together from all communities and help to regenerate this area of Portadown into a vibrant and accessible place for leisure, community, arts, business development and employment opportunities. Please find some further information on the attachment to this email

In order to help support the case for the project and investment in it, we are seeking your input! Please click on the link below and take 5 mins to fill in the survey below and give us some feedback on the plans. All questions are easy to fill in via one word answers or tick box

We would appreciate your support to help distribute this survey, so if you can please forward on via any email networks or post the link and information above on social media accounts

Many thanks in advance for your support and co operation