Access Keys:

St John the Baptist�s College, Portadown

Knights of St Columbanus

23rd May 2024
In the academic year 2022-2023 St John the Baptist’s College and the Knights of St Columbanus commenced the establishment of an award that would acknowledge and reward pupils who participated in a programme of faith development. Over the course of 3 years beginning in Year 8 and finishing at the end of Year 10 pupils would demonstrate 3 acts of faith as members of their families, 3 as members of their faith community in the college and where they lived and finally 3 as citizens of the wider world. Examples were saying the rosary during the month of May, taking part in college religious ceremonies, helping out during our community fun day and participating in our ‘sleep out’ to aid the Simon Community. Others might include working with our Eco Club to promote environmental stewardship. At the end of the 3 year cycle students will be presented with their badge pictured above to acknowledge and reward their achievement and promoting ‘faith in action’. Our college motto is ‘parat in via’, preparing the way. We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to bless the students and that the award will prepare them for their continued faith journey.