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St John the Baptist�s College, Portadown

Irish Language Trip

10th Apr 2024
Bhí am iontach ag na scólairí ag Aonach Mhacha ar maidin. Chuala siad faoi stair an teanga sa cheantar, faoi na háiseanna atá ar fáil do Ghaeilgeoirí agus faoi na deiseanna éagsúla a bhaineann leis an teanga sa todhchaí.
Some of our Year 10/11 students enjoyed a lovely morning at Aonach Mhacha. They learnt more about the history of the language in the area, resources available to Irish speakers and the various career opportunities that the Irish language can offer in the future.
A big thank you to Gearóid and Eimear for their presentations and for the lovely hot chocolate and buns from the cafe! 😃