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St John the Baptist�s College, Portadown

Annual Prize Giving

22nd Jan 2018

St. John the Baptist's College celebrated its annual Prize-giving today. This was a very significant year as it was the last GCSE cohort in Drumcree College and they really did go out on an a high as 100% of our students achieved 5 or more A*- C grades. We also celebrated the success of our Key Stage 3 students. Mrs. Hughes had significant parting words to all our past pupils: "Aim high. Believe in yourselves and stay close to your faith. Stay true to your family and friends. Don't forget where you came from and be proud of who you are. Finally, embrace all opportunities."

Many thanks to our guests Mr. Gribbon, Mrs. Lyness, Mr. McAtarsney and Mr. McConville and many congratulations to each and every one of our past pupils. We wish you every success in the future.