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St John the Baptist's College, Portadown



KS3 Overview

The key focus of KS3 ICT is the acquisition, development and consolidation of a range of practical ICT skills developed in suitable subject contexts using a range of appropriate software packages.  Pupils are encouraged to understand that ICT work is regarded as “work in progress” which can be improved continually and to demonstrate curiosity, taking a personal interest in the latest ICT technologies.

Building on the skills acquired in Primary school, pupils engage in a wide range of interesting and demanding ICT activities that allow pupils to demonstrate a high level of ICT skills in a range of cross-curricular contexts.  During KS3, pupils are encouraged to demonstrate increasing independence, engage in self and peer assessment and are encouraged to reflect critically on their work. The goal is to encourage pupils to become independent lifelong learners, curious about and capable of learning about, with and through digital technology anytime, anyplace, anywhere.

KS4 Overview

This course aims to help equip pupils with the knowledge and skills required in a diverse range of employment roles. It reflects the way in which market environments are changing because of ICT, for example the rise of the e-business. The proposed components that make up the GCSE are as follows:





Unit 1: Use of ICT

External Computer-Based Exam

This 2 hour exam tests students’ ICT skills in a business context



Unit 2: The Business Environment

External Written Exam

This paper lasts one hour.



Unit 3: E-commerce

Controlled Assessment

Students research, design and develop a website and associated documents for a business, based on a case study.




30th Mar 2023
Today we had an excellent session delivered by Craig from Belfast Met on IT Apprenticeships,...
8th Feb 2023
Staff and Students in SJBC participated in many different activities today to further...
8th Sep 2022
Homework Club is back from Monday 12th Sep. Join us Mon - Thu each week at the...
25th Aug 2022
SJBC leading the way in its first year of GCSE Results! Results day 2022...
24th Jan 2022
Today we welcome James & Emma from the AMMA centre to give our students the...
18th Jan 2022
OCN ICT pupils are currently designing their storyboards in preparation for creating...
12th Jan 2022
Fantastic Effort from pupils in Miss Boden’s Enrichment session Coding club,...
13th Jun 2019
GCHQ’s CyberFirst are coming to Northern Ireland this summer! Registration...