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St John the Baptist's College, Portadown

Home Economics


Home Economics at Key Stage 3 is part of Learning for Life and Work. In Years 8, 9 and 10 pupils get the opportunity to examine key concepts in relation to healthy eating, home and family life and independent living.  Year 8, 9 and 10 is divided into a series of units which are designed to be enjoyable, challenging and relevant for our pupils.  A wide range of practical cookery is built into each unit of work so that pupils can develop a range of important skills such as working with others, problem solving, cooking skills and using equipment. 


KS3 Overview

Key Stage 3

Our aims in HE

  • To encourage pupils to display a positive attitude towards health and wellbeing.
  • To prepare for life and work as individuals, as contributors to society and as contributors to the economy and environment.
  • To provide opportunities for pupils so that they can develop a range of skills to promote independence through planning, managing and using resources.
  • To encourage pupils to build their personal and interpersonal skills and capabilities.
  • To encourage pupils to develop a critical and analytical approach to decision-making and problem-solving.

GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition

Examination Board: CCEA


The Home Economics: Food and Nutrition specification encourages students to

develop knowledge and understanding of the science behind food. Topics include

food provenance, food processing and production, macronutrients and micronutrients,

government nutritional guidelines, and food safety. Students develop practical skills

in food preparation, cooking and presentation.


They also gain knowledge, understanding and skills in a wide range of areas



  • Health issues associated with dietary and lifestyle choices
  • The factors affecting how we buy food, what we buy and what we waste
  • Planning meals for people with specific nutritional and dietary needs.


Specification and Assessment

GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition is a linear qualification.

The specification has two components:


Component 1: Food and Nutrition

In this unit, students learn about the nutritional content of foods and how to meet the

specific nutritional and dietary needs of different groups of people. To do this, they

modify recipes and plan, prepare and cook meals and dishes that reflect current

government nutritional guidelines. They also study how to be an effective consumer

in relation to food choice, food safety and managing resources.


Component 2: Practical Food and Nutrition.

In this unit, students carry out a task that develops unique transferable skills. They

research the given task title and various viewpoints on it. They choose and justify a

practical activity using a range of criteria. They complete the activity in a single

session and evaluate all parts of the task.




Component 1: Food & Nutrition

External written exam

2 hours

120 marks

Includes multiple choice, short & structured questions

Extended writing questions


Component 2: Practical Food & Nutrition

Controlled assessment

120 marks

Students must complete 1 task that involves:

Part A: Research & Viewpoints

Part B: Justification of choice

Part C: Planning

Part D: Practical Activity

Part E: Evaluation





Occupational Studies

Contemporary Cuisine & Patisserie and Baking will make up the two units needed for this qualification.  

Occupational Studies allows learners to learn for work, through work and about work, and it provides the potential for this learning to take place in out-of-school contexts. This hands-on approach is ideal for those who prefer to develop their skills in a more practical, occupational environment.

Occupational Studies is both coherent and flexible and provides a good foundation from which to advance to competence-based post-16 courses.

To achieve a full qualification, learners must complete two units. A final grade is based on the combined scores of the two units as follows:

Level 1


Level 2


  • Distinction = 100 - 119 marks


  • Merirt = 80 - 99 marks


  • Pass = 40 - 79 marks




  • Distinction* = 180 - 200 marks


  • Distinction = 160 - 179 marks


  • Merirt = 140 - 159 marks


  • Pass = 120 - 139 marks



Yr11’s can cook ! Well done to all of our Hospitality students who spent the afternoon with People First getting first hand experience in the kitchen . The results were amazing and the staff couldn’t praise them enough. Well done everyone 🙌🏼



26th Apr 2024
Beef tacos were on the menu today. Well done everyone
12th Apr 2024
Cookery club members made delicious omelettes today, well done everyone!
23rd Feb 2024
Bolachas were on the menu today. Pupils are on their way home to dip in chocolate....
24th Nov 2023
Sweet and sour chicken noodles were on the menu today. Very tasty - enjoy everyone...
25th May 2023
Year 11’s can cook ! Well done to all of our Hospitality students who spent...
19th May 2023
Homemade taco shells and spicy mince filling. Very happy customers today at cookery...
12th May 2023
Chocolate filled cookies on the menu @ Cookery Club. Get the kettle on and enjoy...
21st Feb 2023
All pupils in way home with a very tasty dinner of home made chicken goujons. Well...