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St John the Baptist's College, Portadown



Studying the past may just brighten your future!

History provides pupils with skills that help in and out of the workplace. It is highly regarded for such careers as law, television, archaeology and media. The subject should be particularly appealing to those who enjoy writing about their ideas, developing logical arguments and researching from a range of evidence. In an age of information overload, the ability to recognise and evaluate bias is a real skill and one which is uniquely developed in the history classroom. 

All pupils will study history from Medieval times through to the present day. British & Irish history provides the main focus for the course which includes the twentieth century and Britain's place in the modern world. It is our aim that pupils will develop their skills in analysis, evaluation, interpretation, critical thinking, problem-solving and through investigative and research techniques, all of which are tested during Curriculum Assessment and by eventually by GCSE and A-level examination 


KS3 Overview

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3, pupils follow differentiated schemes of work that covers the following topic areas:

Year 8

  • Invaders of Britain and Ireland
  • The Celts
  • The Romans
  • The Anglo Saxons
  • The Vikings
  • The Norman Invasion and Control of Britain
  • The Normans in Ireland

Year 9

  • Early Britain 1500 - 1700
  • The Reformation
  • Henry VIII
  • Queens Elizabeth I and Mary of Scotland
  • England & Spain
  • The Plantation of Ireland
  • English Civil War & War in Ireland

Year 10

  • The Twentieth Century Wars
  • World War 1
  • World War 2
  • The Cold War
  • The effects of War on modern society
  • The Holocaust
  • Famous People, Events and Inventions

KS4 Overview

Examination Board: CCEA

The GCSE History course encourages students to consider the relevance of the past to gain a deeper understanding of the world we live in. Students have opportunities to learn about topics such as Hitler’s dictatorship, the Cuban Missile Crisis, civil unrest in Northern Ireland and the USA’s response to 9/11.

The specification balances factual content with developing students’ conceptual understanding and historical skills. Students analyse and evaluate historical sources to appreciate that there is not just one version of the past, but often competing interpretations.

Students develop key transferable skills that will be useful during further study and in the workplace. These skills include researching and organising information, analysing and weighing up evidence, and writing a coherent argument.

The exams are now single tier and contain a mixture of question styles, from short responses to essays.



12th Sep 2024
Well done to Clodagh, Finn and Harry from 8D who won 8D’s History cover page...
7th Feb 2023
In Year 8 this week we are focusing on Roman Gods, as part of our study of Ancient...
30th Jan 2023
Our focus in the History department this week has been the Holocaust, in honour...