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St John the Baptist's College, Portadown


In accordance with the ethos of the school, the French department nurtures the individual potential of each student promoting his/her academic, personal and social fulfillment. French in St John the Baptist's College is delivered by dedicated, experienced teachers who inspire their students to high achievement in an atmosphere of fun and hard work. We encourage students to:

  • Develop an enthusiasm for language learning
  • Enjoy a positive learning environment through good teacher-pupil relationships
  • Develop the confidence to communicate effectively in French in practical situations
  • Develop the ability to work independently and with others
  • Develop an awareness and understanding of French culture and French-speaking countries
  • Recognize the value of language learning as they take their place in a multilingual, global society

Through a range of topics pupils are engaged in active learning and e-learning nurturing the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing as well as an awareness of essential grammatical and lexical structures.

Topics covered include:

Personal details/ Family/ School/ Pastimes/ Numbers/ Time/ Weather/ Days of the Week/ Months and Seasons
Project-based learning  on France also promotes an appreciation of French life and culture.

Year 9
Food & drink/ Clothes/ Health/Television/ Cinema/ Daily routine/ Helping at home

Year 10
Travel/ Paris/ Personality/The World of Work/ Environmental Issues/ Music/ School
An emphasis on Career Opportunities also enables pupils to appreciate how the study of French can enhance employability.


Years 11+12
The transition to GCSE promotes continuity and progression building on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed at Key Stage 3.

Through 3 Contexts for Learning:

1: Identity, Lifestyle and Culture

2: Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest

3: School Life, studies and the World of Work
Topics previously covered are extended enabling students to confidently investigate, understand, describe, discuss and give opinions. The focus is on sound manipulation of language, clarity of communication and creativity in a happy and hard working environment.


KS3 Overview

Key Stage 3

In Years 8, 9 + 10 each student has two periods of French a week. Some topics covered at Key Stage 3 include the following:

  • Myself and my family
  • House and home
  • My school
  • Colours
  • Pets
  • Weather
  • Days and months
  • Numbers


Key Stage 4


23rd Jan 2023
Bravo to Leticia for her fantastic French work! A talented linguist in the making!...
6th Oct 2022
Well done to Miss Morgan’s Year 8A French class for their fantastic French...
5th Oct 2022
Miss Bradley’s Year 11 GCSE Irish students enjoyed working in teams during...
27th Sep 2022
Fabulous French covers from Miss Morgan’s 8C and 8D classes! Well done to...
8th Sep 2022
Homework Club is back from Monday 12th Sep. Join us Mon - Thu each week at the...
25th Aug 2022
SJBC leading the way in its first year of GCSE Results! Results day 2022...
10th Jun 2022
Miss Morgan’s Y9 Spanish class enjoyed reading “Harry Potter y la piedra...
6th Apr 2022
Well done to Miss Morgan’s midterm languages assessment winners! They are...