Access Keys:

St John the Baptist's College, Portadown



CoPE is a Personal Development course delivered at St. John the Baptist's College throughout our year groups.  CoPE allows pupils to develop wider key skills in the areas of working with others, vocational preparation, research, presentation, discussion and problem solving. 


St. John the Baptist's College pride themselves in achieving 100% pass rate for this course which allows pupils to achieve the equivalent of a GCSE grade B by completing cross-curricular challenges and compiling a portfolio of evidence.


Currently this course is delivered in collaboration with St. Mary's Youth Centre.


KS3 Overview

KS4 Overview


25th Aug 2022
SJBC leading the way in its first year of GCSE Results! Results day 2022...
16th Nov 2017
Pupils were presented with certificates this week at assembly for best contribution...